Evanescence Mad!!!


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The Music!

The music is what matters most...


1. Going Under
2. Bring Me To Life
3. Everybody's Fool
4. My Immortal
5. Haunted
6. Tourniquet
7. Imaginary
8. Taking Over Me
9. Hello
10.My Last Breath
11. Whisper

Evanescence have done a cover of Nirvana's song 'Heart Shaped Box' and featured it in their brilliant single 'Going under'

Evanescence have produced some great songs which aer'nt on the album such as You, Farther Away, Field's Of Innocence, Breath No More, Missing and Surrender

Evanescence have released three song's from their chart topping album 'Fallen' These song's are Bring Me To Life, Going Under and My Immortal.

My fav three song's from the album are:
  • Going Under,
  • Hello,
  • Imaginary.

My fav 3 song's off the album are:
  • You,
  • Fild's Of Innocence,
  • Farther Away





My Fav Music Video

My fav Evanescence video has to be 'Bring Me To Life' because That is the song that first git me interested in Evanescence. I remember spending hours looking through the music chanel's just to cath a glimpse of the video!
